Todays Wedding Photographer

wedding photography practices

Todays Pro Wedding Photographer

Todays wedding photographer must have physical and mental stamina. I typically shoot for 12 hours, involving long periods of concentration, carrying heavy equipment and being everywhere at the right time. So to keep fit, I train 4 days a week in the gym doing crossfit, weights and pyrometric training and take long walks with my little dog Molly.

Over the years I have developed my technique based around some of these important values.

  1. Being prepared in every way in both the run up to the Wedding Day and the day itself.
  2. Never forcing moments to happen, but letting them happen naturally.
  3. Developing an understanding of human psychology and using this to adapt my approach.
  4. Looking at ways to photograph a scene with a fresh, creative perspective.

So if you’re considering becoming a Professional Photographer, keep yourself fit and in good health because the physical and mental side of the Job is hard on the body.  One of the venues that I go to regularly Fanhams Hall in Ware I have to scale a 6 foot wall to get on to another wall to enable me to take the postcard shot of the back of the house (pic below) and I have been known to stand on the keystone of the main gates which is 12 feet high.


Emily and Nick - Wedding Fanhams Hall (25)
Todays Wedding Photographer


Here are a few pictures of me in action

Jp in action



jp 1

jpo 3


Todays Wedding Photographer Photographed and written © John Paul O’Donnell Photography. If you have enjoyed reading this post then please like and share it.    I enjoy putting words to the pictures I take and when I see that people enjoy reading and looking.. I know that its worthwhile. JP


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