The Questions couples ask me.
5 Questions as a Bride to ask a Hertfordshire PhotographerAs a Professional photographer, I have has been around weddings for over 20 years. so I decided to write a post on 5 Questions as a Bride to ask a Hertfordshire Photographer. I naturally get asked a lot of questions from future couples and its usually done at my Studio over a cup of coffee whilst looking through the Storybook Albums.
Here goes….
Question 1
What time do you start and finish the photographs?
Answer. The best photographers and the ones who are at the very top of the profession photograph the Story-of-the-day this usually starts 2.5 hours before the Ceremony and finishes 1 hour after the first dance.
Question 2
I am really not photogenic and I am not really in to posing for do you deal with that ?
Answer. I have photographed a lot of weddings and I can tell you that on the day, without doubt you will be surprised how easily you will settle in and pose for your photographs. The trick is to have the right photographer there and the right people around you. If you do this ..then when you are in your dress and the hair and make up is finished you will naturally get beautiful pictures taken.
Question 3
What if it rains..what happens then?
Answer. All pro photographers have a plan in place just incase the weather is bad. You would normally arrive at the reception venue very early, speak to the staff and arrange an area for the pictures to be taken in inside. Once this area is arranged you then set up your Photographic lights (meter them) so that when you arrive there later you are ready to shoot.
Question 4
How long do the photos take?
Answer. The photographs usually take 1.5 Hours to do. this is allowing for your drinks reception with your guests (which is all Photographed). By allowing this amount of time you will get all the photos covered and not be rushed. This is the one day in your life that you do not want to feel rushed.. take the time and see your guests and really take in your day. Just remember that as it’s the story of the day so we are with you till late, we can take pictures later on if necessary.
Question 5
When do we get to view the Photos from our wedding?
Answer. Most Pro Photographers arrange a private viewing at their Studio with you. When you go to this viewing you select your pictures for your Story-Book. Once you have chosen these pictures your photographer will then put the pictures onto a password protected website for you and your guests to view and start the album design.
Thank you for reading this.
When I decided to write this post on 5 Questions as a Bride to ask a Hertfordshire Photographer, I really thought about what couples ask me on the initial meeting. This is a real life experience and I hope that you find it useful in booking and asking your photographer questions for your big day.
5 Questions as a Bride to ask a Hertfordshire Photographer was written and Photography by© John Paul O’Donnell