McDonalds Breakfast Fashion Photography Hertfordshire

The McDonalds Breakfast Fashion Photography Hertfordshire

Mcdonalds Breakfast Fashion Photography


McDonalds Breakfast Fashion Photography Hertfordshire


I was working on a Fashion assignment in London in November and I sat in Mcdonalds in City Road, London. I was having a breakfast and waiting for some of the Models and crew to arrive. I looked around at the people and was amazed at the array of people from all kinds of jobs and backgrounds. It was then I  thought I should write a blog on this subject. so the phone came out and i made a note so that I wouldn’t forget and then got on with the job in hand.. eating my breakfast as I had a long day shooting ahead of me.

You see the thing is with a McDonalds Breakfast it is really nice and everyone likes it.  I looked around the restaurant and there were all kinds of people ordering it.. there were models and Fashion Photography professionals but there were also.

Taxi drivers

People coming in from clubs

Rail workers



Hospital Staff

Office people

Bus drivers

And so many more

website Mcdonalds Breakfast

John Paul O’Donnell

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