wedding at greenwoods hotel essex osman and helen
wedding at greenwoods hotel essex osman and helen
Wedding Date – 16th July 2017
Bride – Helen Roper
Groom – Osman Ibrahim
Ceremony & Reception – Greenwoods Hotel
Brides Parents – Joe & Janet Roper
Grooms parents – Bel & Ergul Ibrahim
Matron of honour – Sarah
Bridesmaids – Em, Vicky, Lyn, Veena and Donna
Best man – Errol Ibrahim
Groomsmen: Oliver, Bernard, Robert and Sean
Toastmaster – Jango Gazdar
How we met
I first met Helen and Osman in May 2016 when Osman was best man to one of his closest friends Oliver. He did a brilliant job as best man. When Osman and Helen decided to set a date for their wedding they got in touch and booked me over the phone after seeing Oliver and Frankies photos. We chatted over the phone and on text many times before the wedding day. We ran over all the close details and I was very excited to go to Greenwoods Hotel for their big day. Helen contacted a week before the wedding to tell me that she had booked a Ferrari for Ozman to arrive in so I arranged to get to the venue slightly earlier than planned to get the shots arriving.
The Wedding Day
I arrived at Greenwoods Hotel at 12.45 and had a walk around the grounds. This is a venue that I have not been to before so I wanted to make sure that I saw all the best places. And I certainly was not disappointed. The venue is breathtaking, I’ve photographed weddings throughout Essex and this is the nicest yet. I set up in a position so I could see the Ferrari pull in and at the same time signal it so that it came towards the camera and also the video team. I stood there 20 minutes listening for a ferrari.. had a few nice cars pass by but then a distinctive sound roared from a distance. Osman then came through the gates in a Ferrari F355 in Red. Smiling and looking sharp he got out and his mum,dad and brother came over for a few photos.
Osman had lots of pictures taken with it and also his family came over and we took pictures with everyone. I then headed up to the bridal suite to see Helen and her fabulous and beautiful bridesmaids. The Prosecco was flowing, we put a few nice fun shots together and everyone sat on the bed. Helen then got her hair and make up finished and the girls all got into their dresses. I went down whilst this was happening to grab some pics with the guests and then went back up. Helen was in the dress looking beautiful and the girls were fastening the last few buttons up.
I took a few pictures and then headed down to get a picture of Helen on the staircase before she had to see the registrar. I then headed outside to the ceremony and saw Osman. It was at this point i could see across the grounds that the bridal party had started to walk over. I set my spot so I could get a really good clear shot as Helen and her dad Joe walked down the aisle. The ceremony took place and was done beautifully by the Essex registrar. After the ceremony I took a few pictures of the signing of the marriage certificate. I then mentioned to Jango (toastmaster who I recognised from the 2017 Wedding Industry awards ..he was also a finalist). That it would be good to get a picture quickly of the whole wedding party… so I went up into room 7 and he bought the whole wedding party across. This worked very well as we only had 1 hour to get 90 minutes of footage in.
The couple had laid ice creams on for their guests… this was perfect and i took Helen and Osman off for 20 minutes to get the shots taken on their own.
We then got the bridesmaids and Ushers over and shot some fun pictures before joining the family for the drinks reception and a few more family photos.
The room was now ready for the meal and the Turkish drum and Flute were set and ready to bring the couple into the wedding breakfast. Jango got everyone seated and then the couple made their entrance. The noise was loud and the entrance amazing. The speeches then started with the brides dad, Osman and then Osmans younger brother Errol delivered a best mans speech which was outstanding. The meal was served and after the main course was finished I took the opportunity to grab the bride and groom for 5 minutes for a sunset picture. The meal was finished and all the guests went outside whilst the room was turned around for the evenings dancing.
The first dance took place and then Jango called the guests to all join in. I did some great fun dancing shots and then at about 10pm went over and congratulated the bride and groom on what had been an amazing and fantastic day. I then said my goodbyes and started to get my equipment all packed down and ready to leave. As I was walking back to the car I looked back at the house and pavilion where the party was and it looked amazing. Everything was all lit up and the guests were still walking around the gardens.
Personal Message to Helen and Oz
What a day and what a beautiful couple you make. Thank you for booking me to be your photographer and for looking after me on the day.. the food was outstanding as was the whole wedding. Have a great Honeymoon.. see you very soon. JP x
Here a few pictures from Osman and Helens wedding that I have selected from the day. Enjoy!
IMPORTANT * These Images are low resolution. Anyone wishing to use them for social media purposes please make sure that the Logo is seen and that credit is given to John Paul O’Donnell Photography.

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