Best man in the hot seat

Best man in the hot seat Hertfordshire Photos

Best man in the hot seat – Hertfordshire Photos


The hottest seat at a wedding is the one the Best man is in. He has to deliver a speech that is worthy of a best friend, brother or close relative.

The speech itself usually has to contain all types of content.  But it has to stay within the boundaries of safety within the family.

Tip 1. Keep it clean – know the audience.

Don’t give yourself added pressure by trying to be an overnight comic sensation. Simply deliver the lines in your own relaxed style and laughter will naturally come.

Tip 2. Get in contact with those close to him.

Your stories will be great but speak to his family members to gain more intel.

Tip 3. Comment on the Bride.

Don’t forget to comment on how beautiful the bride looks. Its even be a nice gesture to toast the bride directly at this point.

Tip 4. Length of The Speech.

The best Speeches are usually around 10 minutes. About 1.5 minutes for the introduction, seven minutes for the main part and 1,5 minutes for the finish. At first instance you might feel this isn’t a very long time, in terms of talking and keeping a crowd’s attention this is fairly lengthy. Essentially there is one simple rule, DONT go over fifteen minutes.

Last TIP 5. Internet.

I have personally photographed over 2000 weddings.  In this time I have been privileged to see some of  the most beautiful speeches. Please don’t make the mistake some Best Men make of copying internet content.  You have been given the role of being the Grooms Best Man. So do him proud and use your own content. Write it from the heart and I guarantee you it will be greatly received.


I hope you have enjoyed my Blog on Best man in the hot seat – Hertfordshire Photos.  Written © John Paul O’Donnell.

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