Congratulations to Jenna and Mark who got married on Saturday at Hanbury Manor
Title – Wedding Jenna and Mark on Saturday at Hanbury Manor Garden Court
Date of Wedding – 27th May 2017
Ceremony – 2 pm at St James Church, Goffs Oak.
Reception – Hanbury Manor – Garden Court
Bride – Jenna Louise Limrick
Brides Parents – Shelley and Tony Limrick
Brides Siblings – Adam and Daniel
Groom – Mark David Humphry
Grooms Parents – Jan and Dave Humphry
Grooms Siblings – Dan and Natalie
Best Man – Dan Humphry (Grooms Older Brother)
Maid of Honours – Emma ( Brides best Friend)
Bridesmaids – Alison & Leah
Flower Girl – Grace
Groomsmen – Adam, Daniel and Sam
Pageboys – Jack and Albie
Wedding Jenna and Mark on Saturday at Hanbury Manor Garden Court
Wedding Jenna and Mark on Saturday at Hanbury Manor Garden Court. I first met Mark 17 years ago when I bought a house next to his family home. I’ve seen Mark grow up and have got to know his family very well. The Humphry family are lovely and very close too. Then Mark met Jenna the love of his life and they then decided to get married. I spoke to Mark and they both came to see me one evening and chat about their wedding. On that night we all got on very well and were laughing and chatting about their wedding which I knew was going to be amazing “and I wasn’t wrong”.
The Wedding Day.
The day started with me walking the 150 feet to Jan and Daves house. When I walked in the table tennis table was out and everyone was playing. I was introduced to all the boys and took some pics of them all playing. This finished with Mark beating his dad whose the best player in the family… he triumphed over victory “this day started brilliantly already for Mark”. I went up stairs with Mark and Dan and took some pictures of them together with their suits etc. Mark then got in the shower and Jan and Natalie came back from the hairdressers.. so I took a few quick pictures of them before heading over to Jenna.
When I arrived at Shelley and Tonys house I walked in and Jenna was in the conservatory having her hair and make up done with her bridesmaids. Jenna looked stunning her make up and hair “Perfect” everyone was relaxed and enjoying this part of the morning. I went upstairs and Shelley mother of the bride bought her daughters dress into the main room. We hung it on the walldrobe with the bridesmaids dresses. It was stunning as you would expect – the detail so intricate. Tony was starting to get ready and was putting his shirt and cufflinks on. We had a nice chat and I looked at some of his beautiful pictures he’s taken over the years – he is a great guy…brilliant to chat with and a very accomplished professional photographer “no pressure then”.
I then went down and took some pictures of everyone getting ready. It was at this point that Jenna came up and I photographed her on her own and then with her amazing dress. The girls all came in and saw her dress .. it was a beautiful moment. This was only going to be over shadowed by Tony when he was to walk in and see his daughter as a bride looking breathtaking. Tony and Jenna are very close and had a beautiful moment together which included them wiping plenty of tears away and talking in their unusual language. Shelley then came in and I made use of the beautiful natural light which was coming in from the window to get some nice shots of the three of them together. I then captured a beautiful picture of Jenna sitting with her mum and a tear rolled down her face “this was a special moment”.
We then all went downstairs and took some pics in the garden and I shot off to the church. When I arrived at St James Church Mark and Daniel were walking from the pub.. they had their shades on and were nice and relaxed. We went up to the church and the guests were all arriving and greeting Mark. The groomsmen got everyone inside, the vicar Carol came out and waited with me for the bride to arrive.
Jenna then arrived with her dad in a beautiful Classic Rolls Royce. I headed into the church to get my position for the ceremony. Everyone turned around as Jenna and her dad walked down the aisle … she looked amazing and Mark was a very happy man.
The ceremony was lovely there were two readings Hannah and then Shelley the brides mum. The couple then signed the register at the top of the altar and I made use of the natural light coming in by turning the table into a different position. The Bride and Groom then came down the aisle and went outside. Everyone threw the confetti and greeted them both which created lovely pictures. We then all headed off to Hanbury Manor. I mentioned to the driver “Roger” who I’ve known for many years that I wanted to photograph the wedding car at the front of the mansion house… so we did some pictures there whilst the guests arrived at the Garden Court.
Once the pics were taken Mark and Jenna made their entrance into the Garden Court gardens and all their guests went crazy and got an opportunity for plenty of champagne and time to chat with the couple. I then shot all the picturess with the family and friends.
We then got into a golf Buggy and Michell Betts from Hanbury Manor drove us across the golf course to get some lovely pics across the lake.
We then headed back and Jenna and Mark made their entrance into the room for the meal. They walked down the sweeping staircase into the room to lots of of cheers and clapping. The meal was served and was followed by the speeches. The father of the brides speech was breathtaking .. Tony must have been planning this speech most of Jenna’s life .. it was amazing and he even did a Kodak moment bringing me into it “personal joke” and he had the room in tears and laughter. Mark then followed and got Jenna to stand up and do a spin so that we could all take in just how beautiful she looked. The guests were all clapping and cheering .. this was a very confident groom indeed. Then followed the Best man Daniel, he delivered a very articulate and beautiful speech which was one of the nicest brother 2 brother ones I’ve ever heard.
After the speeches everyone went out into the gardens while the room was cleared for the dancing. The couple then came over and cut their wedding cake. It was then that Mark and Jenna took their place on the dance floor for their first dance together shortly followed by the bride and dad dance. Everyone then joined in and the dance floor was packed I took a lovely shot of Jenna and her two brothers kissing and hugging it was beautiful.
I then took the opportunity to get 5 minutes with the bride and groom and we went to the first tee of the golf course which sits high up and was perfect for the finishing shot. ” An amazing sunset” I timed it perfectly it couldn’t have been any better and it was nice for the couple to have this beautiful moment to reflect on the day so far together.
Here a few pictures from the Wedding Jenna and Mark on Saturday at Hanbury Manor Garden Court that I have selected from the day. Enjoy!
IMPORTANT * These Images are low resolution. Anyone wishing to use them for social media purposes please make sure that the Logo is seen and that credit is given to John Paul O’Donnell Photography.

Personal message to Jenna and Mark. Its been great getting to know you both. I knew it was going to be a great wedding but it was way more than great. You both put so much in to your pictures with me – you didn’t complain and enjoyed it with you constant laughter and smiles. Spending the day with you and your families and friends was lovely . The weather was perfect and we even had a light breeze which helped with the heat.
If you have enjoyed reading this then please like and share. I enjoy putting words to the pictures that I take. When people like and share I know they enjoy reading and looking so please like share and comment. Wedding Jenna and Mark on Saturday at Hanbury Manor Garden Court photographed and written © John Paul O’Donnell Photography.
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