nicola and francos wedding at theobalds park herts
Title – nicola and francos wedding theobalds park
Date of Wedding – 25th March 2017
Bride – Nicola Fordham
Groom – Franco Sammarco
Best Man – Giuseppe (Grooms son)
Matron of Honour – Maria Ferlisi Castiglione
Bridesmaids – Elouisa ( Grooms Daughter) & Angelina
Page boy – Alex Sammarco (Bride and Grooms Son)
nicola and francos wedding theobalds park
The Initial meeting.
I met Nicola and Franco when they came a long to a wedding show at Theobalds Park. As soon as we met we got on really well chatting and talking about the wedding. Maria the matron of honour was there with the bride and groom. We then did a deal on the spot and over the next few days we booked everything in.
The Wedding Day.
Nicola was getting ready at Theobalds park so I arrived 2 hours before the civil ceremony to get some shots of her getting ready. When I walked in Nicola was having her make up done by Eloisa her soon to be new daughter. The hairdresser had just left and Nicolas looked lovely and relaxed drinking her champagne and smiling.
I went down to the bar and saw Franco with his son Giuseppe. They were having a nice drink together and guests were arriving and coming over to Franco. I went in to the ceremony room to set s the wedding was only 45 minutes away now. I went back up to the room to see Nicola, the dress was on and being laced up. Andrew the brides brother was in the room, he had the proud honour of giving his sister away.
I walked down to the staircase and did a few pictures in the beautiful entrance area of the mansion. I then headed off for the civil ceremony. Franco was with the registrar and his son. The atmosphere was very relaxed and franco was eager to see his bride. The bridesmaids all walked in and then Nicola walked in with her brother. The ceremony was beautifully done and was a very intimate family wedding.
After the ceremony the guests all gathered for drinks in the boardroom. I got the best man and we got all the guests out so that I could take a picture of the complete wedding party. I then did some really great fun pictures with all the friends “what a great bunch of people”. I realised early on that I knew Francos family.. his brother Carlo, niece Emma and nephew Dom etc.. great people and I really enjoyed taking the pictures and seeing them all.
The meal took place and then afterwards the speeches started. Andrew went first and was then followed by Franco then the best man and the last speech was done by Maria the matron of honour. Four lovely speeches and lots of humour and stories. Franco and Nicola then cut their wedding cake and left the top table. The disco was all set and the guests were invited into the main room to get ready for the evenings dancing. It was then that the bride and groom came in and had their first dance together. I then got some great dancing pictures of everyone and then said my goodbyes to the couple.
Here a few pictures from nicola and francos wedding theobalds park that I have selected from the day. Enjoy!
IMPORTANT * These Images are low resolution. Anyone wishing to use them for social media purposes please make sure that the Logo is seen and that credit is given to John Paul O’Donnell Photography.
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PACKAGE that Nicola and Franco have
Message to Nicola and Franco
I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed your wedding. It was lovely to be part of it all and spend the day with you. When I walked in to the ceremony and saw Emma, Dom and Sam I was really pleased because I know them all and never realised sam was your brother. Have a fantastic time in Dubai and I look forward to seeing you both when you get back. JP
Planning a wedding ? Check out the packages available with all the images included Click here
If you have enjoyed reading this then please like and share. I enjoy putting words to the pictures that I take. When people like and share I know they enjoy reading and looking so please like share and comment. nicola and francos wedding theobalds park photographed and written © John Paul O’Donnell Photography.
Such an amazing day!!
Loved every minute from start to finish!
Was so happy to find John Paul being the photographer, what an amazing guy.
I take my hat off to him for putting up with us crazy Italian bunch!
You made the day special and have lots of beautiful pictures to look back on and remember so thank you so much!
Congratulations to the happy couple!! Now the hard part to decide your favourite ones, I know there is quite a few xx
Aww thank you so much Emma, It was lovely to see you and all your family. Was a great day and i love the Crazy Italian Bunch… brilliant people and great fun x